Post Date: April 28, 2015
Small Footprint makes X1Jet an easy Integration on Label Applicators
The BOSS calls and says “Pat, we’re upgrading our coding technology to HP thermal inkjet. I want you to meet with the Distributor Rep from AT Information Products about integrating the X1Jet within the existing Label Applicator.”
You inform the BOSS: “No problem.” Then you jump onto the AT Info website and check out the X1Jet technical specs. You’re thrilled to see the X1Jet is roughly 122 cm long, by 94 cm tall, by 75 cm wide. And if you need something more narrow then the X1Jet Stitch is an even better option because the on-board controller sits behind the print head.
The BOSS comes to check on you the next day only to find the X1Jet already integrated with the Label Applicator. You look like a HERO because the printing solution is speedily kicking out high quality alphanumeric text, barcodes and graphics on the glossy label stock. You smile with satisfaction knowing the clean, self-contained print cartridges from Hewlett Packard and AT Information Products are one less component you need to worry about.
“Well Done, PAT!”