Markoprint Replaces Legacy Accufast Printers
Customers who own an old Accufast tabletop printer or any Accufast printer are increasingly frustrated by the lack of spare parts and technical support for their systems. While Accufast inkjet printers served a purpose years ago, the company struggled to keep up with technology. Subsequently, they got leapfrogged by the competition.
Accufast printer models that are difficult to maintain and keep running include the Accufast P3 printer, Accufast P4 printer, Accufast printer P4, Accufast P6 printer, Accufast P8 printer, Accufast PMx, Accufast CKx, and Accufast LPx. Some people keep looking for Accufast P4 printer driver, or Accufast model P8 inkjet printer or for Accufast P4 printer manual without realizing that those have been discontinued. Looking for a used Accufast printer or ways to upgrade your Accufast P4 printer software are going to be unsustainable and will create issues long term.
If you own an Accufast printer that is discontinued, Markoprint is a state-of-the-art print solution to consider.
Markoprint integrated print systems allow manufacturers and copackers to code high-quality text, graphics and bar codes anywhere on the piece with built-in feeders, functions like sorting at the push of a button, printing of labels up to 15,000 or more, side-to-side printing, etc. Substrates including cartons, envelopes, sleeves, and hang cards can be efficiently coded by Markoprint prior to filling of the substrates. Learn more about why manufacturers in food, pharma, cosmetics, medical, industrial, and cannabis are pivoting to Markoprint when replacing their outdated Accufast equipment.
AT INFO provides fully integrated print systems so the customer receives a turnkey solution. A Rotech friction feeder is combined with a Markoprint inkjet coder to meet the customer’s requirements. There’s also a pick & place vacuum system with the ability to feed and code flat flexible packaging including polybags, pouches, and zipper enclosures.
Print systems can be as simple as a single coder for ½-inch tall print areas, or any combination of coders up to 8 heads to produce a 4-inch tall print area.
Markoprint is able to code fixed and variable fields and pull from a database of records that are stored in Excel or Access.
Inks for porous and non-porous materials have come a long way since Markoprint first entered the market. AT INFO offers a wide range of aqueous inks for porous materials, and solvent inks for non-porous materials. Unlike many Accufast systems, a drying system is NOT required when printing with Markoprint thanks to the use of intelligent inks.
Spot color inks are available in an array of options including black, red, blue, green and yellow. For dark materials AT INFO carries inks in white, yellow and vibrant blue. Each ink has different properties related to dry time, darkness, decap time, smudge resistance and shelf life.
When comparing the alternatives, Markoprint provides tremendous flexibility and versatility relative to the outdated Accufast inkjet printers. An Accufast P4 address printer, for example, can be replaced by a superior Markoprint system to help mailers print data and zip code sorting at very high speeds and accuracy.
The accufast P4 printer price is the only thing comparable to Markoprint, but the overall value of Markoprint is much higher.
As for the Accufast freehand printer, customers much prefer switching to the Markoprint X1Jet Handhold for coding of packaging, pallets, and other materials. There’s no need for an Accufast label printer counter as Markoprint software is capable of numbering and counting as programmed.
Markoprint coders can be integrated onto a variety of packaging machinery to allow manufacturers to code their packages. From friction feeders, to Form Fill Seal machines, to label applicators, to bag sealers and more – Markoprint is the best choice for integrating a digital coder onto existing packaging equipment.
See how your substrates feed and print on one of our Markoprint integrated feeder systems. Contact AT INFO by calling (201) 529-0202 x125 or send a message to [email protected].