MW Packager Spreads the Good News!

A major Midwestern producer and packager of spreads and condiments has begun replacing thermal transfer labeling on their shipping cases with AUTOPRINT® Hewlett-Packard Thermal Inkjet systems from AT Information Products. Rather than automatically printing and applying a pressure sensitive label on opposite sides of the box, the AUTOPRINT® system prints the same information – barcode, product number and description, size, quantity, plant data, automated time and date codes and Best If Used By dates on every carton.

The manufacturer had been paying approximately $12 per thousand labels plus the cost of the ribbon, and now with AUTOPRINT® they pay less than $4.50 per thousand prints. There’s no need to interrupt production to reload labels or ribbons, or even to replace ink cartridges because they also use AT Information’s AIMS bulk ink system that constantly replenishes cartridges. In addition, AUTOPRINT® systems automatically load the printer on each side of the box with a single entry, even if different data is used on multiple sides of the box. Eventually with the AUTOPRINT® systems operational on 4 or more lines, the manufacturer anticipates annual savings of more than $20,000 per line on an initial investment of approximately the same amount.

With accurate, scannable barcodes and virtually no maintenance, the manufacturer is pleased with their investment and are looking to add AUTOPRINT® systems to packaging lines at other corporate sites.

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