Best By. Born on. Expiration.

AT information Products helps protect consumers by printing date codes on a range of products from Food & Beverage to Personal Care. Our line of industrial coders are based on HP thermal inkjet, a drop-on-demand technology with variable data capabilities.

The next time you’re walking the aisles of the supermarket grab a perishable product and check out the expiration date.  If the code is crisp and clear, you’re likely reading a print from AT Information’s line of date coding equipment.  Hard to read codes can put the consumer’s health in jeopardy.

The X1Jet from AT Information Products is compact and affordable, but it features a powerful punch with its date coding capabilities.  Simply setup the expiration date using iDesign software (included with X1Jet) and send to the printer.  A wide of range of date formats is possible, including date offsets for those Best By applications.

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